Thursday, August 30, 2012

Speed Shift

Early (and therefore inexperienced) Cube designers tended to build Cubes where the best deck was 4- or 5-color control. I'm inexperienced, so there's a decent chance that's the case here. (My goal is 3 color decks, because that was largely what full-block Ravnica limited looked like.) So I decided to move two of the more control-ly guilds onto a more aggro footing: witness the Azorius and the Dimir.

The Azorius Senate

Platonic bureaucracy made flesh, the Azorius Senate was given a keyword R&D was very afraid of -- and so only nine cards with it in Dissension: Forecast.

Pride of the Clouds points towards the theme I went with for Azorius: the core-set draft staple archetype of WU fliers.

But don't worry, even in that shell, there's room for some control.

House Dimir 

The guild that doesn't exist, House Dimir was most notable for it's milling theme, which is decidely toned down here. It's keyword, Transmute, allows you to tutor up cards with the same converted mana cost as the card with Transmute.

I took Dimir Infiltrator here as my pattern for the guild: unblockable creatures and creatures with saboteur abilities (ie, bad things happen to the opponent when the creature deal combat damage to them.)

Dimir also a something of a Rogue subtheme:

And a Look at White

This card was the first-pick when R&D did a Lorwyn Rotisserie draft.

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